Alan Costello
2 min readJun 11, 2020


Who do we thank

As we begin to lift restriction, thoughts will turn to societal and economic futures.

We can also realise that this is not the end — until we get widespread vaccine, herd immunity and effective mechanisms for next time, or even the next surge, this wont be over.

But this is a time to reflect on our Covid isolation, remember those who died and their families and friends.

It is a time to show gratitude to those who supported us all.

In what order — not for discussion. Is this list comprehensive? No. But I say thanks to these and all who made their impact during this 1st phase of Covid 19.

Our Politicians

Leo, Simon, Simon (and FG)

Fianna Fail for supporting


The administration of the HSE and the CMO

Our Healthcare staff, ¼ of whom were infected by being in the frontline of caring for those who fell ill.



Pharmacists (hosp and community), Physios, Radiologists, OT and many more

Emergency frontline

Medical scientists and all in the lab


Healthcare assistants


Enabling reallocation and minding those that were still sick with other conditions

Nursing homes

Charity organisations


Volunteer efforts like feedtheheros and the ventilator projects

Volunteers who checked on those cocooning

Researchers — device and treatments

Those who donated PPE equipment from their own supplies

Tourism, Transport (who will feel a heavy economic pain) and Retail

Aer Lingus, transport staff — freight and public transport

Retail staff, an Post and delivery folk


Hotels, B&B, restaurants, Bars, AirBnB — we know you feeling pain — we will be back to you

Employers and entrepreneurs for trying to keep on and enacting furlough etc

News and Media

Data and communicators like @higginsdavidw

Reputable news services — RTE/Tubridy and the Late Late show demonstrations

Tech companies like Zoom who stepped up

And even still this list cannot be exhaustive

Thank all of us for staying home, for looking after each other.

For keeping your distance

For shopping for those who needed it

Family, friends for engaging and connecting, even through new channels

We live on, fight on, thrive on

Who now needs our support? — put your hand up if you were a service provider, a small business or a local business who needs the kickstart.



Alan Costello

Entrepreneurship, innovation, strategy, Venture invest. #positiveireland. All views are personal. Other links , @alanjcostello (Twitter/Linkedin/TedX)